What We Believe
We profess the Judeo-Christian faith as presented in the New Testament of the Holy Bible and foretold in the Old Testament. We believe that, just as New Testament Christianity passed the test of the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings (a.k.a. Old Testament), so every speaker, teacher, writer, prophet, pastor, leader, and minister of the Faith must confirm everything that is written in both the Old and New Testaments and not contradict them in a single way.
Earn your associates, bachelors, masters, or doctorate degree in theology or ministry from the convenience of your home at your own pace. Certificates, diploma and master or doctorate of divinity programs are also available. Or just enjoy a non-degree personal Bible study online or by correspondence. View the degree and diploma options below.
The study of God’s Word is foundational and essential to an effective ministry. This requires a sound curriculum in Bible and theological studies to achieve this goal. Our theology track provides an exhaustive exposition beginning with Genesis and continuing through Revelation. Rightly Dividing God’s Word is the essential objective of our theology track. This biblically based objective is essential to nurturing the disciplines that are necessary for Bible exposition.
Prospective students who feel called to ministry will find our missiology track to be the challenge they need to equip them for an effective ministry. This track will provide you with courses that will prepare you for the role that God has called you to. Our missiology track offers courses in the field of Pastoral Ministry, Biblical Counseling, Evangelism, Missions, and Youth Ministry.
Lets Get Started! Choose your goal below and an adviser will contact you with details or call us today and speak with an adviser on which track will be suitable to your calling. (678) 278-9676