The 10 characteristics of GODSU
- Spiritual
- Non – discriminatory
- Empower
- Enlighten
- Challenge
- Equip
- Love
- Inclusive
- Preparation
- Ethical
Global Oved Dei Seminary & University dba Global Bible Institute dba GODSU is devoted to deepening the Spiritual, Not-for-Profit and Entrepreneurial training of its students through intense scriptural and historical studies.
We make a two-fold commitment to our student body. The first commitment is to develop Godly leadership in ministry through intensive programs which are the equivalent of the best seminary programs available. The second is to develop our Not-for-Profit business and entrepreneurship studies as well as offer training applicable to the management and growth of non-religious and religious institutions.
GODSU’s aim is to foster universal unity between human beings seeking spiritual and utilitarian education from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds using our educational global delivery systems to reach every continent. As such we have representatives on our Board of Governors with ties covering all regions of the World….USA, Africa, Middle East, Asia, Caribbean, South America and UK.
We believe that having a true understanding of others with varied backgrounds can only be birthed by creating a non-conflicting environment of learning with a mixture of people from different nationalities, races, religions, faiths, and cultures. GODS University is such a forum. Our students, whether Jewish, Atheist, Christian, Muslim, Baha’i, Agnostic, Buddhist, Sikh or Hindu can learn together in a non-discriminatory environment how to plan, execute, grow, nurture and reproduce their Not-for-Profit institutions, businesses and contribute to Godly work worldwide.